Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hot Air Balloon Forum

I am gettign there with the forum.

Its not that hard to do though! It was started in response to emails and
queries I get from new pilots about there working conditions with others.
When you start in any game you get the raw end of the stick but some bosses
really take the rise out of their new pilots. Thats not fair!

So I have left the ability to send in anonymous entries.

That way the things that are wanted to be said are said. If however it
becomes personal with company names and perhaps fellow pilots names being
bought into the discussion I will cull it.

The idea is to work out the safest practice and fairest way to treat ride
pilots. I am not going to be making friends with my fellow ride operators.

If you have something for sale or a ride opertion you would like to mention
then feel free in the pub section.



AutumnNColorado said...
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Khalil Huseni said...
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florika said...
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